Items where Subject is "001 Ilmu pengetahuan"
- Klasifikasi Desimal Dewey Edisi 23 (Bahasa Indonesia) (1519)
- 000 - Komputer, Informasi dan Referensi Umum (163)
- 000 Ilmu komputer, ilmu pengetahuan dan sistem-sistem (110)
- 001 Ilmu pengetahuan (4)
- 000 Ilmu komputer, ilmu pengetahuan dan sistem-sistem (110)
- 000 - Komputer, Informasi dan Referensi Umum (163)
Asmeati, Asmeati and Abbas, H and Aminy, Y and Akmal, S (2018) Investigating the effect of eggshell burning temperature on the mechanical properties of artificial teeth. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
Asmeati, Asmeati and Abbas, Hammada and Amini, Ahmad Yusran and Asmal, Sapta (2020) Characterization of duck egg shells and bioceramic materials in making denture applications. Annual Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology (AC2SET) 2020.
Fadjarajani, Siti and Rosali, Ely Satiyasih and Patimah, Siti and Liriwati, Fahrina Yustiasari and Nasrullah, Nasrullah and Sriekaningsih, Ana and Daengs, Achmad and Pinem, Robetmi Jumpakita and Harini, Hegar and Sudirman, Acai and Ramlan, Ramlan and Falimu, Falimu and Safriadi, Safriadi and Nurdiyani, Netty and Lamangida, Trisusanti and Butarbutar, Marisi and Wati, Ni Made Nopita and Rahmat, Abdul and Citriadin, Yudin and Widiastuti, Ika and Efendi, Efendi and Nugraha, Mulyawan Safwandy (2020) Metodologi Penelitian: Pendekatan Multidisipliner. Ideas Publishing. ISBN 978-623-234-038-1
Sindau, Muhammad Ilham (2023) Implementasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penerimaan Dan Pengeluaran Kas Dana Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Sebagai Penyedia Informasi Pengendalian Internal (Studi Kasus Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Toraja Utara). Skripsi (S1) thesis, Universitas Fajar.